Aprilia SL 750 Shiver
Cerita Rakyat
- Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (5) - Sumatera Utara (5)- Sumatera Barat (2) - Riau (7) - Kepulauan Riau (5) - Bengkulu (4)- Jambi (2) - Sumatera Selatan (1) - Bangka-Belitung (8) - Lampung (7) - Banten (27) - DKI Jakarta (19)- Jawa Barat (13) - Yogyakarta (9)- Jawa Tengah (5)- Jawa Timur (14)- Bali (3) - Nusa Tenggara Barat (4)- Nusa Tenggara Timur (1)...
Native Tattoo Meanings and Customs
By: Mark JordanToday many parents panic if their child gets a tattoo at some point in their life. Many think of it as a degrading practice that symbolizes rebellion. But it should be remembered that tattooing was and is an art that came naturally to various native peoples for hundreds of years. Tattooing has been a native custom in many tribes or races...
- Membeli Bensin Kretek- Tanpa Sadel
- Ada Gondoruwo-
- Coca-Cola Advertising- Onta Padang Pasir
- Tiga Orang Gila dan Polisi- 3 sekawan: Kura, Katak, Ulat
- Pelaut Pulang Ke Rumah- Lagi 'M'
- Alasan Mengapa Saya Dirawat di RSJ-
- Mengisi Formulir Lamaran Pekerjaan- Begitu Saja kok Dimasukkan Hati
- Kelompok Sudah dan Belum- Gajah Nelpon
- -...
Audiovox PPC5050 Pocket PC
Audiovox PPC4100 Pocket PC
Borneo's Tattooed Women 'Warriors' – Weavers of The Skrang Iban
By: Lars KrutakA European official noted in 1855 the fearsome reputation of the Skrang Iban of Borneo:As far north as Brunei and as far south as Pontianak in Kalimantan, the effect was that people learned to run away on merely seeing these Iban…otherwise the result would surely be decapitation. Even children all along the coast expressed great fear...
Apache Puberty Rite
By: Rico LeffantaAlthough most Southwestern Indian groups believe they emerged from the center of the earth, Apaches believe N'dee ("The People") began when "Changing Woman" (Is dzán naadleeshe') was washed ashore and emerged from a sea shell."NA-IH-ES", the Apache puberty rite popularly called the "Sunrise Ceremony", dramatizes this creation story...
Pantai Pangandaran (Ciamis, Jawa Barat)
2009 Yamaha V Max Base
Motorola VE66
Butterfly Tribal Tattoos
By: Lucy Watson Butterfly tribal tattoos are now famous because it represents beauty, grace, refinement and fragility. There are different sizes and shapes of butterfly tattoo designs that are most loved by men and women. Butterfly tattoos also come in different color schemes that ranges from two-tones to colorful ones. Butterfly tattoos...
- Arkeologi Konflik Sosial di Indonesia
- Australia's Aborigines
- Bangles in Hinduism
- Benteng Burangasi
- Benteng Ujung Pandang
- Bentuk Nisan Islam di Indonesia
- Belize - Cultural Melting Pot
- Borneo's Tattooed Women 'Warriors' – Weavers of The Skrang Iban
- Butterfly Tribal Tattoos
- Baby Rites in India
- Bundo Kanduang Ibu Sejati Menurut Adat...