Trophy Hunting in Namibia and Africa

By: Christy Smith
South Africa boasts of different territories which are quite good for hunting enthusiasts. Namibia, one of the most popular places to hunt in South Africa always comes into mind when people have the urge to hunt. There are different Namibia safaris which hunters can go to if ever they feel the need to play their favorite hunting games.

First off is the Ozondjahe Safaris. This is one of the best Namibia safaris that there is in the whole South Africa. The Namibia Professional Hunters Association say that professional hunters find the Ozondjahe Safari a place conducive to trophy hunting because there are a lot of species of animals which are available. Different hunters do not hesitate to recommend this safari to other hunters that they know, because it does not fail them in any way. It is most specifically known for leopard and cheetah hunting, but if ever you want to engage in some action packed plains game hunting, then this Namibia safari would just be the one for you. If you want to bring home some of the best class trophies, then the Ozondjahe is a place that you should surely visit.

On the other hand, the hot safaris of Kalahari will not fail to satisfy any hunter who would like to have a taste of what real hunting is all about. The region of Kalahari is an arid area in the outskirts of Kgalagadi Africa, and it covers much of the Botswana region and its neighboring countries, Namibia and South Africa. Kalahari is wealthy when it comes to different species of animals, and history buffs would also love to interview some of the residents of this region because it would be interesting to know more about different ethnic groups in the community.

Kalahari is one of the safaris that hunters would like to go in if they are in search of an honest to goodness Namibia hunting at its best. Trophy hunting has never been this good, since it is always a pleasure to hunt in a safari just like the ones in Kalahari. If you have a taste other than hunting, then you might find it interesting to go with a Kalahari family and journey with them in their community. It would truly be a wonderful learning experience.

The Klawerberg Safari is also a very breathtaking place for trophy hunters. The Klawerberg region is found in central part of Namibia, and the area includes a hefty twenty thousand acres of privately owned land which are chiefly used for trophy hunting. There are twenty two species of animals which are already made available for hunting in the Klawerberg Safari, and this is a good news for those who thrive in Namibia hunting. Jan Visser, a known Master Hunting Guide and Master Measurer of the SCI owns the Klawerberg Safari. They are very proud to say that the Klawerberg remains as one of the popular names of safaris which are trusted by most trophy hunters not only within their own country but also around the world.

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