How to Lose Weight without Starvation

By: Nick Mutt

Many of the crazy youngsters go to the extreme levels like starvation to become trim and slim without knowing the harmful effects of it. Starvation can make you deficient of vital vitamins and nutrients required by the body. These deficiencies of essential nutrients can add to the debilities that may even leads to death.

When you restrict you calorie intake to a high level, you body become starve of energy needed for proper functioning of the body. Except for the first few hours of starvation (when carbohydrate is depleted) the major effects are progressive depletion of tissue fat and protein. Since fat is the prime source of energy its rate of depletion continues unabated, until most of the fat stores in the body are gone. Protein undergoes three different phases of depletion:

• Rapid depletion at first

• Then greatly slowed depletion

• Finally rapid depletion again shortly before death

The stores of some of the vitamins, especially the water soluble vitamins B and C, do not last long during starvation. After a week of starvation mild vitamin deficiencies usually begins to appear, and after several weeks severe vitamin deficiencies can occur.

If you are seriously looking for the way to lose weight without sacrificing your health, you need a diet program that can melt your stubborn fat without starving you any more. One of the highly recommended diet programs is ‘Fat Loss 4 Idiot’. It is the most popular diet programs accepted worldwide by thousand of people. This weight loss program comes with a diet generator, a diet book and additional free bonuses.

In this program, you will be given 11 days of diet plans based on the foods you like to eat most. After the 11 days, a 3 day grace period when you can eat just about anything you want. After the 3 day grace period, if you want to lose more weight, you start the 11 day meal plan over again. This cycle can be continued until you’ve reached your weight loss goal. Thus, this diet program is simple to follow and help you to achieve your goal without starving you any more.

‘Fat Loss 4 Idiot’ comes in digital PDF format, so you can download it instantly and read it on your computer or print it out to have a hard copy. No need to wait! Start working today to lose weight with the most efficient diet system that work for everyone.

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