An effective guide to seo

By: John Dowling

Many people think that when a website is up and running that’s it the hard work is over and you can sit down and reap the profit. Well the design and implementation of a website is only the first step.

Next you must ask the most important question, “How are people going to find my site”. Well you have many options, you could go on a very expensive TV or radio campaign or you could go to where everyone else goes when they look for something and that’s to a search engine.

Now when we talk about search engines there are again more options for you to promote your website. There are two ways to do so.

• The use of pay per click advertising.
• Crawl your way through “organic results”.
Now the first option (pay per click) can once again can be expensive and the results from which on a sales per click ratio are better than from TV or radio as your are getting more “targeted” traffic. Now this is some times a very quick and effective way to generate traffic but in my opinion the second (organic results) is the way to goAs this is a far more cost effective way to generate traffic although this is slower to achieve results in the long run you wont be spending out to get your traffic it will come for free!, Now as a business that should make your ears stand up as that money goes straight on your bottom line as PROFIT.

Now to get toward the top rankings the first place to start is the design and copywriting stage.

The first thing you want to do is identify your keywords you should have a few of them and you should aim for two or three word keywords as the one word keywords are highly contested You should have your keywords in your title and should aim for around 5% to 7% keyword density in your body of your text.

The next thing to do is try to add some kind of content that differs from your competitors as this will aid customer retention when you do get them.

Now you should make sure the code in your site is wc3 compliant this will make sure your website loads as fast as possible again this will aid your customers.

Now that you have your keywords and your website up to speed it’s time to go on your charm offensive.

You now need to gain as many inbound links to your site as possible and the key here is one way inbound links to your site the first place you can start is online directories, Now there is some debate on weather this is the right thing to do or not but my opinion is that it cant hurt and even if they don’t help your rankings and only send you one visitor then it was worth the five minutes you spent listing your site.

The second place you should try is associated sites now these are not direct competitors but people who you think will benefit from your products and that you can add some value and content to their site now these are the best links you can get and the only thing that would make it better is to have your keyword as the anchor text.

Now thats the main process for getting high visibility to your website the only other thing I would suggest is to check out your competitors backlinks as then you’ll have a better idea of what you’re up against.

Keep up these simple procedures and you should see some results.
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