Batik-Tulis Giriloyo (Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

PengantarBatik adalah suatu hasil karya yang tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Di berbagai wilayah Indonesia banyak ditemui daerah-daerah perajin batik. Setiap daerah pembatikan mempunyai keunikan dan kekhasan tersendiri, baik dalam ragam hias maupun tata warnanya....

Kujut (Jawa Barat)

Perangkap yang terbuat dari kawat yang berdiameter 0,1 sentimeter ini bentuknya menyerupai kurungan ayam. Setiap kujut memerlukan kawat seberat 3 kilogram. Harga setiap kilogramnya Rp2.500,00, dengan demikian, setiap kujut membutuhkan uang sejumlah Rp7.500,00. Kawat tersebut dianyam kemudian dibentuk seperti kurungan ayam yang berdiameter sekitar 1...

How To Create A Blog That Makes Money

By: Mel McDoogleBlogging is hitting the internet by storm, and with good reason. It gives every person a voice, and a way to express themselves. The best part about it all though is setting up your very own website has never been easier. The two most used blogging platforms used today have to be Wordpress and Blogger. Without a doubt though, Wordpress...

How To Start Making Monetized Money With Adsense, The Basics

By: Reginald CurtisThe basics of Adsense. Adsense is considered as one of the most powerful tool in a website publisher’s arsenal. It enables a person to monetize their websites easily. If used properly, it can generate a huge and healthy income for them. However if you are not using them rightly and just maximizing the income you squeeze from it,...

Make Money With Adsense - Learn How To Increase Your Adsense Income

By: Shakil ZamanThe adsense program is one of the most lucrative money making programs online. It is also perhaps the simplest one to get involved in and make money quickly. This is especially true if you already own a site that gets a fair bit of traffic. However, while it is simple to get involved with it still requires a bit of understanding on...

AdSense What is it?

People new to internet marketing frequently wonder what the Google Adsense Program can do for them. This article will discuss what the Google Adsense Program can do for you and your income and will show you how to increase your Adsense income even further by optimizing your sites with the highest paying Adsense keywords. In three words, earn you...

Nokia 3555

SpecificationsNokia 3555 Network2G3GGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 UMTS 1700 / 2100 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay99.6 x 44.3 x 20.5 mm94 gramTFT, 256K colors128 x 160 pixels, 1.8 inches (~114 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slot1000 entries, Photocall20...

Tembikar Kasongan (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

PengantarKasongan adalah nama dukuh atau kampung yang secara administratif termasuk dalam desa Bangunjiwo, Kecamatan Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (sekitar 7 km di selatan Kota Yogyakarta). Di daerah ini terdapat suatu kerajinan tembikar. Keberadaan industri gerabah ini telah menjadi salah satu ciri khas wilayahnya,...

Tandou Kedau (Lampung)

Alat ini berupa cap dari bahan besi yang bergaris atau melingkar, bergagang besi dengan kayu, dan digunakan untuk memberi tanda ternak pada tubuhnya. Ketika akan dipergunakan untuk memberi tanda, tandou kedau itu dibakar dulu dengan api. Alat ini banyak dipergunakan untuk peternakan kerbau lepas di padang terbuka, agar tidak tertukar dengan kerbau-kerbau...

Kelikuk (Lampung)

Kelikuk adalah lonceng kalung ternak, terbuat dari bahan tanduk, kayu atau keuningan. Di dalam kulikuk ada anak kulikuk yang bergantung sehingga jika ternak itu berjalan, terdengarlah suaranya mengeluk atau merincing. Kelikuk selalu digantungkan pada lingkaran tali leher ternak. Sumber:Hadikusuma, Hilman, dkk. 1978. Adat Istiadat Derah Lampung. Jakarta:...

Penyerak (Lampung)

Alat untuk membuat lubang hidung untuk memasang keliker. Alat ini terbuat dari bahan besi yang ditajamkan ujungnya, dan bergagang kayu bulat. Ketika akan dipakai untuk nyerak (menusuk) lubang hidung ternak, penyerak diasah lalu ditusukkan pada ternak yang telah ditelentangkan. Sumber:Hadikusuma, Hilman, dkk. 1978. Adat Istiadat Derah Lampung. Jakarta:...

Nokia 6650 fold

SpecificationsNokia 6650 fold Network2G3GGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 HSDPA 850 / 2100 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay99.7 x 47 x 16.2 mm112 gramTFT, 16M colors240 x 320 pixels, 2.2 inches (~182 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slotYes, PhotocallYes30...

Nokia 6124 classic

Specifications Nokia 6124 classic Network2G 3GGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 HSDPA 900 / 2100 SizeDimensions Weight Display105 x 46 x 15 mm 93 gram TFT, 16M colors 240 x 320 pixels, 2.0 inches (~200 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebook Call records Internal Card slotYes, Photocall Yes 35...

Nokia E62

SpecificationsNokia E62 Network2G3GGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay117 x 69.7 x 14 mm144 gramTFT, 16M colors320 x 240 pixels, 2.9 inches, 58 x 45 mm (~138 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slotYesYes80 MB storage, 32 MB RAMminiSD,...

Nokia 7600

SpecificationsNokia 7600 Network2G3GGSM 900 / 1800 UMTS 2100 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay87 x 78 x 19 mm123 gramTFT, 65K colors128 x 160 pixels, 2.0 inches (~102 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slotUp to available memory, Photo call20 dialed, 10...

Nokia 3660

SpecificationsNokia 3660 Network2G3GGSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay130 x 57 x 26 mm130 gramTFT, 65K colors176 x 208 pixels, 2.1 inches, 35 x 41 mm (~130 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slotYes, PhotocallYes3.4 MBMMC DataGPRSEDGE3GWLANBluetoothInfrared...

Nokia 6820

SpecificationsNokia 6820 Network2G3GGSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay107 x 47 x 20 mm100 gramCSTN, 4096 colors128 x 128 pixels, 8 lines, 1.6 inches (~113 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slot1000 x 10 fields, Photo call20 dialed,...

Nokia 7200

SpecificationsNokia 7200 Network2G3GGSM 900 / 1800 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay86 x 50 x 26 mm115 gramTFT, 65K colors128 x 128 pixels, 1.5 inches, 27 x 27 mm (~121 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slot500 x 5 fields, Photo call10 dialed, 10 received,...

Nokia 6300i

Specifications Nokia 6300i Network2G 3GGSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensions Weight Display106.4 x 43.6 x 11.7 mm, 56 cc 93 gram TFT, 16M colors 240 x 320 pixels, 2.0 inches, 31 x 41 mm (~200 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebook Call records Internal Card slot1000 entries,...

Nokia 7700

SpecificationsNokia 7700 Network2G3GGSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay134 x 80 x 22 mm183 gramTFT resistive touchscreen, 65K colors640 x 320 pixels, 3.5 inches, 79 x 40 mm (~204 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slotYesYes25 MBMMC,...

Nokia 3108

SpecificationsNokia 3108 Network2G3GGSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay106 x 46.4 x 24 mm93 gramCSTN, 4096 colors128 x 128 pixels, 8 lines, 1.45 inches (~125 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slotAdvanced10 dialed, 10 received, 10 missed...

Nokia 6610i

SpecificationsNokia 6610i Network2G3GGSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay106 x 44 x 19 mm87 gramCSTN, 4096 colors128 x 128 pixels, 8 lines, 1.5 inches (~121 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slot500 entries, Photocall10 dialed, 10 received,...

Nokia 9500

SpecificationsNokia 9500 Network2G3GGSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay148 x 57 x 24 mm230 gramTFT, 65K colors640 x 200 pixels, 4.5 inches, 110 x 35 mm (~149 ppi pixel density) MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slotYesYes80 MBMMC DataGPRSEDGE3GWLANBluetoothInfrared...

Sony MHC-GNZ777D

SpecificationsSony MHC-GNZ777D Power Output P.M.P.O. Total RMS Front (RMS) Center (RMS) Rear (RMS)Subwoofer (RMS) 3500W320W 160W x 2 ...

Motorola V547

SpecificationsMotorola V547 Network2G3GGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay89 x 49 x 24.6 mm, 86 cc114 gramTFT, 65K colors176 x 220 pixels MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slot1000 entries, Photo call10 dialed, 10 received, 10 missed calls5 MB DataGPRSHSCSDEDGE3GWLANBluetoothInfrared...

Motorola V535

SpecificationsMotorola V535 Network2G3GGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 SizeDimensionsWeightDisplay89 x 49 x 25 mm, 85 cc122 gramTFT, 65K colors176 x 220 MemoryPhonebookCall recordsInternalCard slot1000 entries, Photo call10 dialed, 10 received, 10 missed calls5 MB DataGPRSHSCSDEDGE3GWLANBluetoothInfrared...
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